Z Code System Power Rankings | ZCode Sports Predictions

Z Code System Power Rankings

What are power rankings and how often are they updated?
One of the great features of Zcode system will be automatically updated daily power rankings for NHL and weekly for NFL. They show the real condition and shape of the teams based on the internal system indicators. You can compare how they differ from the traditional Standings (Place in Ratings) that you can find on public websites like Covers or NHL.com that are usually updated weekly and become outdated too fast.

The value of such table is huge for the professional bettor because it shows you the real CURRENT power of the team, not the traditional "general" power shown by public standings tables. let me give you example. Team A won a lot of games in October and stays on top of the division with the big amount of points, however it lost 7 out of last 10 games. The traditional standings tables will still show a high position for the team that has collapsed and currently not playing well at all giving you fake indications of the strength!
Of course power rankings is not the only thing that matters but it is one of the most important indicators of the team current state and power. 
Check the status here : Z Code System Power Rankings

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